Campbell Reproductive Biology Site

Endocrinology Suggested Readings-Site 14

Plant Hormones

  1. Robert E. Cleland 1983 Is plant development regulated by changes in the concentration of growth substances or by changes in the sensitivity to growth substances? Changes in hormone concentration are important, too. TIBS 8:354-357.
  2. Anthony J. Trewavas 1983 Is plant development regulated by changes in the sensitivity to growth substances? Sensitivity is the regulating factor. TIBS 8:354-357.
  3. Robert J. Starling 1984 The question of plant hormone binding sites. TIBS 9:48-49.
  4. K. Veluthambi and B. W. Poovaiah 1984 Calcium-promoted protein phosphorylation in plants. Science 223:167-169.
  5. N. Kent Peters and JW Frost 1986 A plant flavone, luteolin, induces expression of Rhizobium meliloti nodulation genes. Science 233:977-980.

  6. © 1997 Kenneth L. Campbell